engaging & easy sensory play

My son is getting older and I have been thinking about ways to challenge him and excel his development. I came across videos and saw that a lot can be done with plastic balls. This post will discuss an engaging & easy sensory play for your 8 month old.

Using Plastic Balls Creatively For An Engaging & Easy Sensory Play

engaging & easy sensory play

If you do not have balls laying around the house, you can easily find them in stores or the community. I purchased two large bags of balls for $10 from someone. I have seen plastic balls listed for free in my area. It is worth a shot searching for frees one in your community. If you are out of luck and can’t find any free ones, I know that you can easily search for them via Amazon.

I haven’t really thought about how to best use them for sensory play. I started looking around on the Internet to find ideas for an engaging & easy sensory play for my 8 month old. A few ideas popped up in my search, but I decided to roll with this one!

There was painter’s tape in the kitchen and a glass sliding door that already had many fingerprints on it. Next, I attached plastic balls to the door with tape. I put the plastic balls at different levels on the door. I put some where my son could reach them easily. But I also added some that were a little higher, almost out of his reach, to make it a bit of a challenge.

My son did such a great job with this exercise and I really think he enjoyed it! If you are searching for engaging & easy sensory play for your 8 month old–this is it!

Check out the rest of my blog for other DIY ideas!